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Writer's pictureCynthia Chung

2024 World Predictions

Updated: Feb 13

2024, written in silver bold numbers

2024 is a number 8-year and represents the Year of Karma. We're going to see a lot of wealth created for low income families who truly deserve it.

Here is a summary of The Seeker's Tarot 2024 World Predictions:

A shift in perspective will occur as Middle Eastern origin religions experience crisis and metamorphosis. The "end of times" prophecy is now, as we transition into higher frequencies. As this shift occurs and stagnant, fearful, old energy is released, we will see much instability. This conversation is happening behind closed doors all over the world.

While Christianity has been losing followers for decades, it is still a wealthy organization, in finance and in spirit, and something about their message will change in 2024. They will be re-marketed towards a different generation of young people, experiencing a re-birth in consciousness. Islam and Judaism will join forces in a way not previously seen. There is hope for Israel and Gaza by finally recognizing and including Iran's signicant position.

Far Eastern and ancient religions will experience a surge that will continue to grow through the upcoming years. That may include Buddhism, Hinduism, as well as religions that study elementals.

Young people all over the world are being born with the memory of the past lives intact. We will begin to hear about this on mainstream media. In general, we will see an explosion of meta physical and other light workers, like us, moving into more public spaces.

All of the above can be seen as un-welcome change in some circles, creating fear and confusion in institutions and families alike but belief systems are transforming and values will have to adapt.

India will experience a significant national crisis, followed by a change in social order.

China will lay low, isolating themselves from the international community for much of the year, however something is perculating behind the scenes. They will re-emerge in late 2024 or the following year with something that will change human behaviour and the launch of something new, tied to the U.S.

The American economy is extremely unsettling. In this number 8 year, that is no surprise. The wealthy will double down on some recurring charge scenario placed on the public. They are creating policy from a state of fear, as the economy changes and big corporations lose credibility.

The good news is that we will see a fair number of very low income families in the US lift themselves out of poverty and into the middle class and possibly achieve real wealth. We will be hearing about some of these success stories on the news and in social media.

Social media is always changing but in 2024, it will do so in unexpected ways. The immersion experience will increase in a minecraft x social media kind of way.

A complete re-branding in luxury will occur; old moneyed brands are out.

We will hear multiple salacious stories about former politicians, two of whom are deceased and one on top of the other in some way.

Our planet is a living, breathing entity and she is truly at her breaking point. Earth is simply forced to release charge and purge, in order to survive. This will result in so many natural disasters, resulting in so much loss of life, livlihood and property. She is doing her best to make as many people conscious, so that we can change our industries and our habits but in the end, we can not survive without her but she can survive without us. She's going to pick and choose who will transition with her, its karmic. Some people will be left behind to live out their days in old earth.

People to Watch:

  • Heavy handed dictators, governments and military leaderships

  • Anyone innovating in the aerospace industry

  • Young people developing free energy and clean water solutions.

  • Social behaviour networks

  • Metaphysical workers of every genre

Our spirits and guides are always around us, guiding us towards our highest mission. The message we interpret is subjective, meaning that it changes according to our thoughts and emotions so vibe high and wish for the very best!

Happy New Year!

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