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Translate spirit's messaging

Our spirits and guides are always with us, communicating through dreams, signs and coincidences. Traditionally, the seeker has practiced their divinity secretly behind closed doors, and yet our fundamental awareness of the spiritual world grows exponentially with each passing generation.

Our planet and inhabitants are experiencing a simultaneous awakening as Earth transitions into higher frequencies.  A worldwide shift in human perspective encompassing all living beings is underway.  Universal energy is here to direct you to the best expression of your genetic and astrological disposition, at times exceeding your birth potential to actualize super powers and senses beyond the human condition. 

Learn to understand sacred knowledge and apply the hermetic principles that create and govern our life experience.  Heal, gain self mastery and align with your hidden potential & highest purpose.  Through divine guidance, we offer assistance in your connection to the higher self, under the context of whatever religious framework you pursue - if any specific doctrine applies.

If from deep within this resonates with you, the time for your ascension may be now...

Our Services

The Lapidary

Natural crystallized minerals, ethically sourced from around the globe.

Chosen for their metaphysical properties, augmented through ritual.












We are working to bring you a collection of the world's most beautiful crystalline specimens, curated by hand and selected for their healing and energetic properties.


Please follow our instagram account for a sneak preview:

Natural Turquoise on clear, acrylic stand
  • Instagram
Photo of Cynthia Chung


辛西娅是一位作家、演说家和作家。致力于帮助人们与精神世界联系并理解现实本质的媒介。  她从小就开始与更高维度的存在互动,在商界工作了几十年后,回到了她作为能量翻译者的根源。



我们从 3D 地球到 5D 地球的过渡。


我们个人品质的最佳表达已经发生在另一个时间线、空间和维度中。  如果我们能够感知这些联系,我们就可以改变我们的生活现实更高层次的现实。”

“生活自然会给你带来力量、勇气和性格的考验,而你注定要通过这些考验。由于过去、现在和未来同时发生,你只需要与你周围已有的智慧一起流动 - 它们会引导你你

走向进化,如果你允许的话。  伟大只是一个神圣的时机问题,无论是否发生,它都会发生




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